Thursday 9 February 2012

Ginsberg Shines Once Again!

It was like stars descending from heaven, lighting up the day! Several internet evangelists assembled in Kuala Lumpur to speak on the power of the internet in modern day business. The event was none other than the Global Internet Summit 2008. The event was organised to share and spread knowledge about the internet and its potential in marketing. “The internet business is booming and actions taken at the right time are likely to shower success on any business”, was the main theme of the event. The summit was designed for all internet marketers, ranging from novices to veterans and it proved to be enlightening for all. One of the key speakers in the summit was Adam Ginsberg, the so called ‘eBay guy’. He enthralled the audience with his success story and kept them entertained with his witty comments. The audience were really positive about his lectures and felt encouraged by this internet reformation in their lives.
Adam Ginsberg is the guru of internet marketing and eBay business. He is also called the ‘entrepreneur’s entrepreneur’ and carries countless commercial operations. He knows a great deal about most industries and businesses in the United States. Adam launched his sales career while he was still in college, earning $25,000 in contracts for his employer during his first year. He became a key leader in the office, helping to build that company to a $200,000,000 general sales corporation. Adam has many National Records under his belt including the top eBay seller in the entire eBay community, trading goods worth $20,000,000 in three years. He has transformed ordinary sales representatives into successful mangers by showing them the right business path.
Adam Ginsberg is not only a ‘business technology wizard’ but also a brilliant orator and trainer. He offers simple, easy-to-follow steps to boost any business and sales. The examples that he quotes are practical and similar to the ones he himself followed on the way to his eBay success.
The internet, along with the online auction giant eBay, has provided immense opportunities to people for making a living. Over 710,000 people have given up their full time jobs to become eBay entrepreneurs and generate wealth. Adam Ginsberg travels all around the world mentoring people on how to become successful eBay entrepreneurs, and also sell goods on Overstock, Yahoo and Bid4Assets. In addition to selling, Adam also teaches Internet Marketing as a reliable way to build ‘Streams of Internet Income’.
Adam has been featured in Entrepreneur as well as Fortune Magazine. He has additionally been interviewed on CNBC by David Faber as well as on ABC World News Tonight with Peter Jennings. Most Recently Adam has been featured on NBC- The Today Show.
The Global Internet Summit turned out to be a huge success, thanks to the gracious presence of all the speakers, and especially Adam Ginsberg. The event was covered by all prominent newspapers and media and Ginsberg once again turned out to be the sought after celebrity.
To learn more about Adam Ginsberg, visit To learn about Adam Ginsberg eBay workshops, Speedtrada fraud and online marketing tips, visit

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