Wednesday 18 January 2012

Ginsberg: Financial Boost for the Elderly

“They are old…they are frail…they are weak…and all they should look for now is a way to make money and beat the age barriers!” said Mr. Ginsberg at one of his recent seminars in Australia. Adam Ginsberg speaks highly of the elderly and believes that their wisdom is as rich as old wine. It was Adam’s mother who first insisted that he list his pool table on eBay and who led him to his first success. He esteems his mother highly and acknowledges her time and time again, saying  that since it was his mother’s idea that made him what he is, he’s going to repay her by enabling the elder generation to become financially stable.
Adam Ginsberg’s eBay tutorials have helped hundreds of retired senior citizens earn money through the home-based eBay trade. People from all ages, especially the ones who are not fit enough to work outdoors, have found eBay as their employment and as their entrepreneurial expedition. For those who cannot come to his workshops, Adam Ginsberg has launched DVD’s and books so that they don’t miss a thing. His review sites are loaded with comments that feature accolades for him. Here’s one of the many success stories from one his fans:
“Hi Adam
I want to tell you again how blown away I was with your seminar… I saw so many ways I can use what you taught for my own seminar business. I am anxious for your affiliate program to begin, because I know so many people who I know would benefit hugely.
On a fun note, I wanted to let you know of my latest Adam Ginsberg success story. My mother is 66 years old, loves to go to garage sales and knit. After coming back from your training, we were having dinner with my parents and Craig (my husband) and I was excitedly telling them everything we learned. She told us that she had something she’d like to try selling on eBay and asked if Craig would list it for her. It turns out that it was a Lenox Rudolph statue that she paid 25 cents for over the summer….25 cents!
Well, Craig used your auction optimizer, the awesome template software you provide, and listed it. The auction closed this Saturday at a record - $265.00! My mother turned 25 cents into $265.00! Needless to say, she is tickled pink and Craig is now the favorite son in law. It just goes to show you that what you teach and offer can help people of all walks earn more money.”
Needless to say, Mr. Ginsberg is enjoying the heaps of praise that he gets from the elder entrepreneurs! He’s a great mentor and speaker. So, give it a shot and try out one of his eBay tutorials. Why wait to get any older!
To learn about eBay trade, the template optimizer and the so called Speedlings scam rip off, visit  To learn more about Adam Ginsberg visit

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